GMS Cultural Awareness Training


Providing effective and responsive services in a culturally diverse community is a dynamic and challenging area.

In recognising the dynamic and challenging nature of providing effective and responsive services in a culturally diverse community, it's essential to pause and reflect: Is your service and workforce able to meet the needs of an increasingly diverse community

What resources, support, or training does your service and workforce need to enhance cultural competence and effectively serve a diverse community?


At GMS, we understand the importance of staying ahead and providing culturally responsive services. We offer a variety of options to help your agency, service, or organisation meet these demands. Whether you're seeking to enhance diversity awareness, develop cultural competence skills, or address specific challenges within your organisation, we're here to help.

With our experienced professionals and extensive resources, we are committed to support your journey toward greater inclusivity and cultural competence. We believe in collaboration with diverse stakeholders and communities, ensuring that our training is not only informative but also culturally relevant and responsive.

Our team is committed to work closely with you to understand your unique circumstances to provide tailored and individualised support and guidance. We have many options available to meet the needs of your agency or service or organisation.


Some key areas we provide training include:-

Introduction to Diversity Awareness Training: This training aims to cultivate a deep understanding and appreciation of the diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences that enrich our workplace and community. The training also covers special consideration for engaging and communicating with CALD communities.

Introduction to Cultural Competence Training: The training provides a foundational understanding of the essential concepts, skills, knowledge, and mindsets essential for effectively engaging and collaborating with individuals from diverse backgrounds. It emphasises the importance of cultural awareness, sensitivity, humility, and effective communication. The training also covers a GMS framework for engaging and communicating with CALD communities.


Ready to take the next step toward a more inclusive and culturally competent practice? Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our team and begin your journey toward a more responsive cultural practice.

T: 03 5133 7072; E: