September Spotlight: Training with GMS & Collaborators

In an ongoing effort to promote diversity awareness and cultural competence, GMS partnered with the CRSE Group, LVA, and Federation University to deliver an impactful training program in September 2024.

Our first collaboration with Federation University featured two 3-hour workshops aimed at enhancing students’ understanding of cultural diversity and competence. The sessions focused on engaging and communicating effectively with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities, exploring foundational concepts, and introducing participants to the GMS UNITE framework, alongside practical strategies for fostering inclusivity. Students praised the training for its practicality and relevance, finding value in “learning about biases, stereotypes, talking about perceptions and assumptions,” and “engaging in discussions and sharing experiences.”

The second collaboration with CRSE and LVA involved a full-day workshop, integrating GMS Diversity Awareness and Cultural Competence training into CRSE’s Inclusive Leadership program. This workshop empowered leaders from various local organisations to communicate and work more effectively with diverse workforces and communities. Drawing on the combined expertise of CRSE and GMS, the workshop left participants feeling “informed,” “excited,” and “inspired.” A positive 94% of participants said they would recommend the workshop to others. One participant noted having ““got a lot out of it in my personal and professional life”. More news about this training can be found here on LinkedIn or Facebook.

With such overwhelmingly positive feedback, we are excited to announce that plans are already underway to expand this initiative, offering tailored sessions in the future to continue fostering cultural competence within the region.

If you’re looking to enhance cultural awareness within your organisation or community, or are interested in collaborating to deliver these programs, we welcome the opportunity to work together. Please get in touch with us to learn more about our upcoming programs and how we can support your diversity and inclusion goals.”

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